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Leaders Who Endorse Jill​

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Marin Women's PAC

    Jill is very proud to be awarded an endorsement by MWPAC.

  The purpose and goals of the MWPAC are to increase women's participation in the political process, to increase the number of women in elected and appointed positions, to win equality for women, and to support pro choice candidates and issues reflecting the mission statement of MWPAC. In pursuit of these goals, MWPAC is dedicated to the eradication of discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation, race, age, physical disability, economic status, or political affiliation.


Janelle Kellman,
Sausalito Mayor

I'm proud to have worked with Jill on some of the toughest issues our town has faced-from financial transparency, to a creative path to housing for those unsheltered-and highly value her insight and partnership as we tackle the next wave of issues related to infrastructure and financial resilience.


Democratic Party of Marin County

I am deeply honored to be the only candidate in the Sausalito City Council race to receive an endorsement from the prestigious Democratic Party of Marin County.

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Jill Hoffman, an attorney, and business owner has been a strong leader on the council...and will retain a strong balance of knowledge, experience, and perspective on a diverse council.

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Jared Huffman,
U.S Congressman

Every once in a while you have the opportunity to endorse someone who is super competent and performing at a high level and the kind of person I can trust to work with as a local government partner. And that is what Jill does, she brings an incredible level of intelligence, dedication, and skill to this work of local government.

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Marin Women's PAC

    Jill is very proud to be awarded an endorsement by MWPAC.

  The purpose and goals of the MWPAC are to increase women's participation in the political process, to increase the number of women in elected and appointed positions, to win equality for women, and to support pro choice candidates and issues reflecting the mission statement of MWPAC. In pursuit of these goals, MWPAC is dedicated to the eradication of discrimination based on religion, sexual orientation, race, age, physical disability, economic status, or political affiliation.


Janelle Kellman,
Sausalito Mayor

I'm proud to have worked with Jill on some of the toughest issues our town has faced-from financial transparency, to a creative path to housing for those unsheltered-and highly value her insight and partnership as we tackle the next wave of issues related to infrastructure and financial resilience.


Democratic Party of Marin County

I am deeply honored to be the only candidate in the Sausalito City Council race to receive an endorsement from the prestigious Democratic Party of Marin County.

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Jill Hoffman, an attorney, and business owner has been a strong leader on the council...and will retain a strong balance of knowledge, experience, and perspective on a diverse council.

Local Leaders Endorse Jill

Elected Leaders

Sausalito Councilmember Ian Sobieski

"Jill Hoffman has, and will, tirelessly fight for Sausalito. She has served her country as a captain in the US Naval Reserve and serves Sausalito every day by anticipating problems, forming a strategic response, and fighting for our town. I am proud to endorse her. We are lucky she is willing to continue to volunteer to protect Sausalito and move it forward."

Former Sausalito Councilmember Tom Reilly

Former Sausalito Councilmember Dennis Scremin

Former Sausalito Councilmember and Mayor Sandra Bushmaker (and candidate for Southern Marin Fire District)

Tiburon Councilmember and former Mayor Holli Thier

Belvedere Councilmember and former Mayor Nancy Kemnitzer

Former Belvedere Councilmember and Mayor Marty Winter

Mill Valley Councilmember Urban Carmel

Corte Madera Councilmember, and former Mayor, Eli Beckman

San Rafael Mayor Kate Colin

San Rafael Vice Mayor Rachel Kertz 

San Rafael Councilmember Eli Hill

Novato Councilmember, and former Mayor (x7) Pat Ecklund

Novato Councilmember, and former Mayor Eric Luken (incoming Marin County Supervisor)

Fairfax Former Mayor Frank Egger


Local Luminaries

Jim Gabbert
Former owner KOFY-TV, 1994 California Broadcaster Association Broadcaster of the Year, Past President of the National Radio Broadcasters Association, Former Commodore Sausalito Yacht Club, and Past President of Sausalito Chamber of Commerce.

Larry Mindel

Restaurateur extraordinaire, Founder Il Fornio, Owner Poggio

First American to win the coveted Caterina de Medici medal for the preservation of Italian heritage and culture outside Italy.

Helen Russell

Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Equator Coffee.  Under her leadership for the last 26 years, Equator has grown from a small roaster and wholesale supplier into a national brand known for its values-driven approach, award-winning coffee, and impactful action around issues of environmental sustainability, female empowerment, and economic empowerment.

Sybil Boutilier

Age-Friendly Sausalito Task Force

Alan Olson

Co-Founder, Board of Directors, Call of the Sea

Paul Dines

Captain Freda B, Admiral of the Master Mariners Benevolent Association

Reason Bradley


Owner, Universal Sonar Mount. Three-time BattleBot Champion!

Jerry Taylor

Past President Sausalito Historical Society, Membership Chair Sausalito Lion's Club

Morgan Pierce

President Sausalito Beautiful, past Chair Sausalito Planning Commission, Architect

Kristin Feller

Chair, Sausalito Planning Commission

Wilford Welch

Former U.S. diplomat, Climate Change leader, author

Sela Seleska

President Sausalito Woman's Club

Alice Merrill

Former President Sausalito Woman's Club

Kay Mitzel

Former Director, Sausalito Yacht Club Executive Board 

Gil Purcell

Partner, Brayton Purcell Law Firm, Spirit of Marin Award Winner

Roxanne Sheridan

Volunteer Extraordinaire/Spirit of Marin Award Winner

Sara Aminzadeh

California Coastal Commissioner, State Assembly Candidate

Jed Smith 

Marin Municipal Water District Candidate

Tim Nousen

Sausalito Bon Vivant

Lise Ciolino

Sausalito Beautiful Vice-President

Cheryl Popp

Owner, Sausalito Books by the Bay

DJ Puffert

Former President, Sausalito Historical Society

Vicky Nichols

Chair Historic Preservation Commission, Former Chair Planning Commission

Harry Chapman

President, Sausalito Sister Cites

Susan Roe

President Emeritus, Sausalito Sister Cities

Dan Rheiner

President, Board of Directors, Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District,

past President Sausalito Rotary

Janet Chapman

Thomas Clark

Anne Dorsey

Dr. Ed Fotsch

Ken and Sue Currier

Steve and Lauren Gertz

Karen and Jeff Pero

Share and Bjarne Hansen

Sonja Hanson

Susan Shea

Robert Tillman

Elizabeth Pierce

Camara Scremin

Vince Ciolino

Craig Merrilees

Diana Cohn

John DiRe

Keith Kennedy

Stephanie Gertz Holdsworth

Janet and Harry Chapman







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